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A New [York] kind of Thanksgiving
We had a very New York holiday weekend. We have had tons of fun (if it weren't for the horrible cold we ALL caught! -Thanks Aly! haha..). I love the new traditions we are making here, but also miss being close to the rest of our family and eating an amazing dinner and tons of leftovers! MMmmm pie...
This weekend we were supposed to be at my Mom's house in Star Valley, Wyoming. I love it there! Its so far away and beautiful and so completely opposite of where we live which is so AWESOME. My Mom, stepdad Curtis, and little bro Ian live on a farm where they have an organic store and make their own herbal products. They have horses, dogs and a million cats! I was so jealous that Elliot, Rochelle & Josh and Kendra were going and we wouldn't be there to eat too much and snuggle up to watch Elf after dinner. Instead we free styled our own New York version of a cozy family holiday.
Aly and I couldn't afford to fly to Wyo, and neither could little sis Claire, who goes to college in Virginia, so she came to spend the long weekend with us. After about 9 hours in a car, metro, and greyhound, she made it to NYC at 3am on Wednesday morning. I took Wednesday off so we could hang all day. So nice to have my little baba sis with me.
Thursday we got together with our New York family- Chris, Michael & Kelly. We went to a tiny cute restaur
ant in the east village called Knife & Fork for a prefix Thanksgiving dinner. It was really yummy, but we were sad for no leftovers to make turkey sandwiches later in the night.
After dinner we headed up to Central Park despite the sprinkles that were dropping on our faces. We got to the ice skating rink after it was dark and thankfully the rain had stopped. I was PETRIFIED, but ice skating was actually really fun! I didn't even fall until our very last lap. My toe pick hit and I went sliding on my belly for about 10 feet. Kelly was laughing at me so hard that she flipped and fell too! haha. I wish we got a picture of us both on the ground soaking wet.. Well, at least I have the bruised knees and hips to prove it! Aly looked so cute with his skinny legs in the skates! After that adventure we went back to M & C's house to make snacks and watch movies.
Last night we went out to dinner with the fam again to a yummy brazilian place in the east ville and on the way back to the train station we found a tiny christmas tree lot on the corner of Houston street. Aly bought me the smallest one in the lot (I've been talking about getting a Christmas tree for days so he totally made my night!!!) Aly named it Florenzo. hahaa. Here is the "before picture".
We are going to mish out to Target in a while for decorations and I'll post an "after" pic :) I'm sure it smells so great in here- wish I could smell anything (stupid cold!!). We downloaded some christmas music this morning and got out our favorite Hanson christmas album- its a tradition at my Mom's house to dance and sing to Hanson on repeat!
It's been a great weekend, I'm so bummed that tomorrow is back to reality and baba girl has to head back to VA. But, the best part is that Christmas is only 3 weeks away!!! Or 4, who's counting?? Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! I'm so thankful for my family and friends and can't wait to be with everyone again soon. Love you!!
Sounds like you had an awesome Thanksgiving! I love your little tree and I love you guys.
What a nice way to celebrate skating - that's a fun tradition to start! So glad Claire could spend it with you. I love your little tree. Miss you all so much and am so glad we'll have you here for Christmas!!! XXXOOO Mary
Hilarious. I'm so glad that you have a real tree. We pooped out last year and bought a fake one. Shame on me!
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